A Disrupted Thanksgiving Leaves the Turkey Business Guessing (via www.nytimes.com)

John Peterson, a farmer in Cannon Falls, Minn., is trying to anticipate what customers who travel to his family’s Ferndale Market for their Thanksgiving turkeys will want during a holiday changed by the pandemic. Credit: Jenn Ackerman for The New York Times

Without big gatherings, will Americans buy whole birds? Smaller ones? Just parts? Farmers and retailers are already placing their bets.

Source: www.nytimes.com

Police PR machine under scrutiny for inaccurate reporting, alleged pro-cop bias (via Los Angeles Times)

Years after Nicholas Robertson was killed by deputies, a new video emerged contradicting the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s account that he had pointed a gun at lawmen. (Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times)

My note: I’ve always been concerned about a too-cozy relationship between reporters and PIOs – especially police department PIOs. This article from the LA Times supports some of my fears.

Amid calls to defund police, the public relations machine within law enforcement is coming under scrutiny.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Don’t understand the protests? What you’re seeing is people pushed to the edge (via Los Angeles Times)

Protesters in Chicago on Saturday. (Nam Y. Huh / Associated Press)

The main concern of black people right now isn’t whether they’re standing three or six feet apart, but whether their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers will be murdered by cops.

Source: Los Angeles Times