In media circles there is a hot new phrase this month: “Selective news avoidance.”
Source: CNN
Thoughts about things we find facinating
First the Lakers. Then the Dodgers. Now this. Thank you, Pennsylvania. Thank you, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Source: Los Angeles Times
The main concern of black people right now isn’t whether they’re standing three or six feet apart, but whether their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers will be murdered by cops.
Source: Los Angeles Times
Doug Bock Clark uncovers what two weeks trapped aboard the ill-fated, coronavirus-infected cruise ship felt like—for unsuspecting tourists, for frightened crew members, and for the captain himself.
Source: GQ
In an exclusive interview, Zoom CEO Eric Yuan accepts the blame for recent privacy and security issues at his videoconferencing company and vows to make things right.
Source: Forbes
It’s been just over two weeks since our daughter called us – I should say lectured us – about taking the virus threat more seriously. Since then, we’ve stayed inside except to walk the dog and to quickly run essential errands.
It’s a strange feeling. I’m retired so I don’t really HAVE to be anywhere. Through the wonders of Medicare, I have a free gym membership which I was enjoying several times a week. I play golf. I have several volunteer activities and I was finding my retirement days were busy and full.
Until it all shut down.
Continue reading “Living With the Virus”I took this photo in June 1992 in front of the Lithuanian Parliament building.
The barbed wire was from 1990-1992 when leaders of the newly independent State of Lithuania barricaded themselves in the building which was the “heart of Lithuania” and political center of the country.
“Kovo 11” means March 11, the day in 1990 when Lithuania became the first Soviet state to dare to declare its independence from the Soviet Union. “Islandja” refers to Iceland, the first country to recognize Lithuania’s independence.
The Soviets grudgingly accepted Lithuanian independence a year and a half later in September, 1991. The barbed wire and other signs of the barricades were still there when I took this picture 9 months later in a symbolic protest of the Red Army troops that were still stationed in the country.
Some experts fear that a fire last week at a lacquer manufacturing plant in Banning, Calif., could lead to a worldwide shortage in vinyl LPs.
Source: Los Angeles Times
The streaming services have data on viewers’ spending habits and brand preferences, and they’re looking into new ways to use it.
Source: www.nytimes.com