85th Anniversary of the Martian Invasion

On October 30, 1938, 85 years ago, 23-year-old actor Orson Welles shocked the nation with his dramatization of H. G. Wells’ story The War of the Worlds. It depicted a Martian invasion of Trenton, New Jersey.

The obviously fictional drama was broadcast nationwide on the CBS Mercury Theater program which aired at 5:00 P.M. in Los Angeles on KNX. The “too-realistic” drama unfolded using “news bulletins” which were especially frightening to the people who fled their homes before listening to entire broadcast.

The panic wasn’t limited to New Jersey. In Los Angeles, hundreds of people called the Los Angeles Times’ switchboard, some even came to the newspaper’s office to be reassured in person. In Ventura, an “excited man” called the telephone company about the “eastern disaster” while a young couple, with a half-dressed baby, rushed into a local drug store warning “the world was coming to an end.” The nation was already tense with the threat of world war developing in Europe. (Hitler’s invasion of Poland was less than a year away.)

At the year-old Columbia Square, CBS West Coast Vice President, D.W. Thornberg made light of matter. He said, “We get calls every time one of our fictional characters is supposed to have a cold.” He pointed out that four times during the broadcast it was announced the drama was “entirely fictional.”

Disaster in the Devil’s Jaw (via Museum of Ventura County)

by Library Volunteer Andy Ludlum

One hundred years ago a tragic mix of poor judgment, navigational errors, irregular currents, and fog cost 23 sailors their lives.

Source: Museum of Ventura County

Octopus Birdbath

I’ve made a new mosaic birdbath for my daughter Mariel.

It is designed around an octopus image that she liked. You can see the see the process below and even some rejected ideas like adding glass beads to be the suckers (too busy.) I learned from an earlier birdbath that I should use black grout which doesn’t show algae and makes the birdbath easier to keep clean.

Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes: Ventura School for Girls (via Museum of Ventura County)

By Library Volunteer Andy Ludlum

Ventura residents were shocked in February 1921 when they read about girls rioting at the local state training…

Source: Museum of Ventura County

The Story of Pierre Agoure (via Museum of Ventura County)

By Library Volunteer Andy Ludlum

This is the story of an early Ventura County sheep rancher. His remarkable tale has been overlooked and almost lost over time.

Source: Museum of Ventura County

When Cars Came to Ventura County (via Museum of Ventura County)

By Library Volunteer Andy Ludlum

It was a stand-off worthy of the old Wild West. The taciturn lawman was face to face with a huffing, puffing adversary. Neither was ready to back down.

Source: Museum of Ventura County